We would like to invite you all to take a read through our Winter Newsletter from Glass Lakes Photography. For your convince we have copied it into this page. All copies of our newsletters can be found on this site under the New Stuff menu option, or at this link.



“Capturing your familiar world in a new way.”

310 Howard St. Petoskey, Mi 49770


In this issue:

– Studio 2, Downtown Petoskey’s new photo art studio.
– The return of the ornaments.
– Some winter tips from Joe.

New! Instant photo prints.
– Some new and cool shots, from winter, in a storm.
– Let’s talk about some canvas.
– Winter hours.


Winter Swell, a storm photo.

Joe captured the fury of the winter storm which blew through Petoskey two weeks ago. This photo which was shot from a lower angle captures the fury in the waves as the westerly wind wound them up for their powerful impact into the Petoskey breakwall. This photo and its compliment “Duck Storm” are available in the gallery on paper prints and gallery wrapped canvas.


Studio 2!

Join us in celebrating the opening of Studio 2, a new portrait location. Studio 2 is located directly across the street from The Gallery, upstairs of the Park Side Deli. This location will offer better accommodations for in studio portrait and classroom opportunities. We still offer our wonderful on location portrait services. Come in out of the cold for one of our wonderful Mini Portrait sessions in this new space!



10am – 6pm

We will close at 4pm on December 31st. We will be closed New Year’s day. Starting the second week of January, we will be closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Appointments will still be available on these days.


Bringing back a favorite.

Your love of this ornament has sparked its return this winter season. Last year we could not keep enough of our Downtown Petoskey Snowflake ornaments in the gallery. In addition for this year we are adding many more local ornaments to the inventory.


Joe’s Corner

Tips and tricks

“Winter photography does not need to be a chilling experience. When the temperature drops and the snow flies there are ways to protect yourself and your equipment. Remember that condensation will happen to cold items which are brought into a warmer and moister environment, such as your camera and lenses when you take them inside after a few hours in the cold. This condensation can damage your gear, therefore it is best to allow it to warm up in the safety of its camera bag. Also be sure to keep yourself from harm, I find that glove inserts permit the operation of the cameras function while also preventing exposure to the cold and wind. Frostbite and associated cold injuries can occur quickly when the wind blows, so be sure to keep covered. When things are icy, employ the use of traction assistance products such as yak tracks. And above all else, remember to be safe when working around or on top of water, wear a life jacket.”

For more tips and tricks, visit our site.


Canvas is in.

Over the past few months we have been developing a process to print and gallery wrap canvases. We now have this process ready for the public. Our canvases are 100% a Petoskey made product!



Duck Storm, now available in the Gallery.

NEW! Introducing Instant Prints.

We will soon be adding a kiosk feature to our printing studio. In the interests of providing fast service to our  clients looking for small prints quick. This machine will be capable of immediately printing wallets, 4×6’s, 5×7’s, 8×10’s, 8×12’s, and other sized photos in matte or glossy finishes in seconds. The kiosk will accept common camera cards, USB drives, and smartphones for immediate printing. We will also offer this printing service to our event clients for on site photo printing for their guests to take home. We currently are offering 5×7 and 8×10 sized prints, and will have the full functionality of the kiosk after the new year. You are welcome to bring your photos in on a card or email them to us at info@glasslakesphotography.com, please remember to ask for Instant Prints and to specify the size and finish for your photos.



Printing Studio Discounts

We are offering student discounts, for students currently enrolled in courses in the arts which require printing. Both the collegiate and high school levels are welcome. Bring in your valid student ID, and current course schedule to receive 20% off Printing Studio services.

! For participants in shows at local art centers we are offering the same 20% discount for show entry prints.


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