Anne Marie


“Anne Marie” by Joe Clark

Captured in Frankfort, Mi on 8/18/2021.

Nikon D850 1/5 second f./5.6 ISO 400

The Anne Marie is a working vessel which was moored in Frankfort as we stayed the night on our navigation from Petoskey, Mi to Ludington, Mi aboard SV Animaashi. The tug caught my eye because of how striking she sat against the sunset. 

“Anne Marie” by Joe Clark

Additional information

Print Type

Fine Art Paper Prints, Fine Art Prints, Gallery Wrapped Canvas, Loose Canvas Print, Metal Prints

Size Options 2:3

10×15, 14×21, 20×30, 26.5×40, 34×51, 40×60, 50×75, 56×84, 12×18


Bourbon – light stain warm tone, Cigar Leaf, Cognac – Reddish Frame, Dark Ash, Dark wood with gold lip, Not Applicable